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                                    LEARNING, GROWING ANDEXPLORING TOGETHERThe first day of the academic session began with an inspiring assemblyorganized by the teachers. The atmosphere was filled with excitement andanticipation as both students and teachers gathered to mark the beginning ofthe academic year.The first event of the year was the Environment Day. Students from each classwere asked to make placard class wise and shared the alarming facts aboutthe changes that might happen in future due to the degradation of environmentand the little things the little hands can do to make a big difference as acontribution to the wellness of our environment.The International Yoga Day was celebrated with the intent to raise awarenessamong our students.Co-curricular activities are meant to bring social skills, intellectual skills, moralvalues, personality development in students. Kala Utsav celebration has givenample of opportunities to our students to showcase their hidden talents.Our institution always treats the teachers with great respect. Teachers%u2019 daycelebration was a heartwarming reminder of the important role teachers play inshaping the future and it instilled a deep sense of respect and gratitude.On 15th of August, our institution organized a wonderful celebration.Independence Day reminds us that we are not just individuals, but we are partof a great community, the largest and most vibrant of its kind.Projects were conducted to encourage students to explore their understandingand focus on enhancing observational skills and creativity.Special Educators are working in collaboration with the teachers and parents tohelp our students grow holistically through various planned activities based ontheir needs and requirement.Dhwani - %u201cWhere words fail, sounds speak
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