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FROM THE PRINCIPAL%u2019S DESKI extend my deepest gratitude to all the teachersand students who contributed to this magazine, andto the readers who continue to support our sharedjourney. May %u2018Dhwani%u2019 inspire new ideas, sparkdiscussions, and remind us of the importance ofevery voice in our community.It is with immense pride and excitement that I present to you the first edition of%u2018Dhwani%u2019, our school%u2019s newsletter. %u2018Dhwani%u2019 is more than just a collection ofarticles and artwork; it is a celebration of the voices of our students. Eachcontribution reflects their unique perspectives, thoughts and ideas. Throughtheir words and artistic expressions, we catch a glimpse of their creativity, theirpassions, and their growth over the year. Whether it%u2019s a reflection on school life,a piece of fiction, or a deep dive into a topic of personal interest, thesecontributions showcase the diverse talents and intellect of our students.The articles in this magazine are a powerful reminder that every voice matters.The power of storytelling; of sharing one%u2019s thoughts with the world createsconnections, fosters understanding, and nurtures empathy. I am truly proud ofthe students who have taken the time and effort to share their insights and Ihope their words inspire all of us to take the time to understand each otherbetter.Warm regards,Bro. Antony D VayalilPrincipalAs we continue to grow and evolve, I encourage each student to never shy away fromvoicing their thoughts, for it is in speaking up and listening to each other that we learnand grow together. Let us embrace the essence of %u2018Dhwani%u2019%u2014a celebration of voices,diversity, and the power of expression.%u2018%u2019In every voice, there is a story waiting to be heard, and in every heart, a dreamwaiting to be shared.%u2019%u2019